He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray.
And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and glistening.
And behold, two men were talking with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appearing in glory were talking about His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.
But they kept silent, and reported to no one in those days any of the things they had seen. Luke 9:28-31,36.
Three Disciples
Jesus took Peter, James, and John.
- that before Christ called these three they were a group of fishermen.
- that these three were Christ's first disciples.
- Some think that Christ took them along with Him on to the mountain because they were the three most likely to get into trouble, so He kept them close so He could keep a close eye on them. Guzik.
The Change
while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, His clothing became white and glistening. Luke 9:29.
Matthew wrote it like this: and He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Mat 17:2.
Matthew wrote it like this: and He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Mat 17:2.
Among those who believe that Christ is the second person of "The Godhead" are some who say that it was all that Christ could do to hide His divinity. At times it just about shone through against His wishes. With the rays of glory and brightness which darted from his body through his clothes. Gill.
This was not a new miracle, but the temporary pause of an ongoing miracle. The real miracle was that Jesus, most of the time, could keep from displaying His glory. Guzik.
About these man-made ideas, Barnes writes: The Scriptures should be taken just as they are, without any attempt to affix a meaning to them which the sacred writers did not intend. Barnes.
So, if Jesus is God, how is it that only most of the time He could do what He wanted to do. According to Guzik, this time Christ fell short of His intentions.
About these man-made ideas, Barnes writes: The Scriptures should be taken just as they are, without any attempt to affix a meaning to them which the sacred writers did not intend. Barnes.
So, if Jesus is God, how is it that only most of the time He could do what He wanted to do. According to Guzik, this time Christ fell short of His intentions.
We might remind ourselves that when Moses descended the mountain after meeting with Jehovah his face also shone. it happened as Moses was going down from the mountain of Sinai ... Moses did not know that the skin of his face had become luminous through His speaking with him. Exodus 34:29.
If the shinning of Christ's face and clothing prove that He is divine, simple logic would insist that Moses, therefore, is also God.
As we have been studying the life of Christ we have seen and will continue to see, that Christ does not come across as being divine.
- Physically - He got tired and sleepy; He was the first one to fall asleep on the fishing boat. Mark 4:38.
- Intellectually - He had limited knowledge and intelligence. But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. Mat. 24:36.
- Socially - He got upset with His peers because they did not believe His mission was from God. O unfaithful and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear (put up) with you? Mat. 17:17.
Why do so many in the church insist that Christ is "God Himself" when the Bible clearly teaches that He had limitations, which we have been told, God does not have?
And behold, two men were talking with Him, who were Moses and Elijah.
Why The Transfiguration
And behold, two men were talking with Him, who were Moses and Elijah.
My thesis is that Christ's clothing became white because Moses and Elijah were being beamed down from a spaceship above them and that the light from the spaceship fell on Christ.
"If the crew of a spaceship needs to move a person from one place to another, that person can be ‘beamed up’ or ‘beamed down’. As the person being moved “dematerializes”, he becomes altogether bright. When that person ‘materializes’ again he loses his brightness. This, in science fiction, can be done without causing any harm to living cells. Does this really seem too wild to accept in real life?
Remember, That which was impossible yesterday becomes possible today and tomorrow we will wonder why we ever thought it impossible." God Drives a Flying Saucer. (1969) Dione. Copied from: http://spaceshiptheology.blogspot.ca/2016/10/145-christs-coming-kingdom.html
Remember, That which was impossible yesterday becomes possible today and tomorrow we will wonder why we ever thought it impossible." God Drives a Flying Saucer. (1969) Dione. Copied from: http://spaceshiptheology.blogspot.ca/2016/10/145-christs-coming-kingdom.html
Now, about 50 years later, a corollary to the preceding paragraph might sound something like this. It is therefore not surprising that the recent announcement that Chinese scientists teleported an object from the ground to a space satellite has engendered so much attention. Article headlines like "First object teleported to Earth's orbit" are pretty exciting. Taken literally, you could imagine not only visiting exotic locations across the globe in a blink of an eye, but also imagine an enormous advance in space technology. cnn.com
"when Christ was transfigured, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias (Elijah) talking with him. Mat. 17:3. These two witnesses stand before the God of the whole earth and they come to the New Jerusalem to preach; they have magnificent powers. However, they must die again; the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will ... kill them. Rev. 11:7. Just as surely they will be raised to life again; And after three days and a half, a spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood on their feet. Rev. 11:11. For more about these two witnesses I suggest:
The Purpose Of The Visit
two men were talking with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appearing in glory were talking about His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.
It sounds as if Moses and Elijah came to bring Christ the final instructions, and perhaps a lot of encouragement, concerning His last few months on earth and perhaps they verified to Him that He, indeed, must be crucified just outside the walls of Jerusalem.
His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem. One does not normally think of dying as an accomplishment, however, in Christ's case His death was a great accomplishment. It is because Christ died that our sins can be forgiven and we can appear as righteous in Jehovah's eyes.
It sounds as if Moses and Elijah came to bring Christ the final instructions, and perhaps a lot of encouragement, concerning His last few months on earth and perhaps they verified to Him that He, indeed, must be crucified just outside the walls of Jerusalem.
His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem. One does not normally think of dying as an accomplishment, however, in Christ's case His death was a great accomplishment. It is because Christ died that our sins can be forgiven and we can appear as righteous in Jehovah's eyes.
And as they came down from the mountain, He commanded them that they should relate to no one the things they had seen, till the Son of Man should rise from the dead. Mark 9:9. Christ ordered them not to talk to anyone about what they had seen until after His resurrection.
Luke tells us that they followed His command, But they kept silent and reported to no one in those days any of the things they had seen.
Luke tells us that they followed His command, But they kept silent and reported to no one in those days any of the things they had seen.
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