Friday, December 22, 2017

The Perfect Gift

Christ's Conception

There are at least three different theories concerning the immaculate conception of Christ.  This, of course, excludes those theories that say the story is based on lies, or that Mary was not aware of, or did not admit, her past activities. 

1. The word used for the first theory is parthenogenesisthis is simply the Greek way of saying virgin birth

This theory simply states that a female body has all the chemicals needed to produce a child by itself.  "So, while it is possible for a human baby to be born of a virgin mother, it's very, very unlikely..."  The writer placed the likelihood of that happening at much less than one in a billion. [From the blog: "Slate", by Melinda Wenner Mayer.]

If many of the lower species can and do conceive Parthenogenetically, I don't think it's too shocking to assume that humans can too. Based on this fact alone I can't imagine why scientists are not more curious like they were over a hundred years ago when the famous biologist, Jacques Loeb realized that: "The male is not necessary for reproduction. A simple physio-chemical agent in the female is enough to bring it about. [From, PARTHENOGENESIS: women’s long-lost ability to self-conceive by Den Poitras]  For more on this topic, I recommend his blog.

Theologians have, ever since the days of Saint Paul, argued that sin entered the human race through Adam, not through Eve.  He wrote, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world. Rom. 5:12.  Eve was deceived, and so, not at fault, but Adam knew what he was doing, therefore he is to blame.  Isn't it reasonable then, to argue that if a child is born of a virgin, that child would not be burdened with all the negative aspects imparted by a sinful human father?

2. The teaching that the church has held for about twenty centuries.   The holy spirit came upon the virgin, Mary, and she became pregnant.  Mary asked the visiting angel, “How can this happen? I am not married!” The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Luke 1:33-35

That teaching leads us directly into the third theory I am presenting here.

3. The idea that the gods had offspring with human women is a recurring thought in ancient writings.  It is found in Greek mythology, in Babylonian and Egyptian writings as well as in the Bible.  When the sons of the gods had sexual intercourse with the daughters of men, the Bible tells us, their offspring were mighty men of renown. Gen. 6:4.  mighty man of renown is not what Jehovah wanted when Christ was born.  He must have a perfect human being.   

He had made a deal with Satan; simply stated, the deal said, either a perfect human must pay the ransom price for the mortal race or none of mankind will have a chance at eternal ecstasy.  Jesus Christ is both a perfect human and the Son of God and so He could fulfil all the requirements laid down by Satan.

The God of the Jews, Jehovah, decided that Mary was a fit candidate to be the mother of Christ.  The Lord, having chosen the young woman from among the Jewish people, sent an angel, whose name was Gabriel.  

It is totally believable that Mary became pregnant through artificial insemination, an act performed by the angel.  In this way, Christ was, in fact, the Son of Jehovah and the son of human lineage.  From reading the story of the conception and birth of Christ, in the Bible, it is easy to arrive at the aforementioned conclusion.

The Magi are Guided

What if you knew what stars looked like but didn't know what an airplane was? What would you call the airplane lights? ... Now, if I were to tell you that last night I saw a set of flashing stars that moved across the sky, what would you say? Would you agree that they were stars, or would you tell me that I really saw an airplane?

... Remember, the wise men knew what stars were, but probably didn't know what UFOs were: 


At the time that Christ was born, as was normal, there were shepherds looking after their sheep, out in the fields.  At night, while they were watching their flocks, the light from a UFO shone all around them.  The shepherds were afraid of the spacecraft, so one of the Lord’s robots came closer to them and said, do not be afraid, this UFO has not come to hurt you. I bring you good news of great joy, which will come to all people. Luke 2:10

Here, suddenly, a new stage is set.  The focal point is no longer, The Lord of Israel.  The new theme is, peace on earth; great joy shall be to all people (nations), for Jesus, the Lord of Peace, is not a national god as were the gods of the UFOs.  He is the Son of Jehovah, who later will pay the penalty required by Satan, the god of this world. 2 Cor. 4:4.

Jehovah wanted the whole world to become involved with His Son, The Messiah. The Romans were involved, for they had the military rule of Judea at that time. The Greeks, the intellectuals, were always looking for a new story to write or argue about, and they heard about the Messiah naturally, in the course of their activities.  The Jews, being kin to the mother of Christ, were involved because of that.  One class of people needed to be called to the scene; the mystics; the astrologers from the East.

The wise men of the East, as would be expected, responded to the new light in the sky; a light moving from the East to the West.  They decided to follow the "star", and when they arrived at their destination, the light shone down on a stable in Bethlehem.

Some scholars believe that since Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction at that time they appeared to be a bright star.  That light certainly cannot have been from normal "stars" or planets (even if they were in conjunction).  How can stars shine down on one particular spot in any one city? 

The same argument must be used against the idea that the light was from a meteor; a meteor does not shine down on only one small area.  Neither does a meteor journey slowly enough for the wise men to follow it.  The people who advance these hair-brained opinions surely cannot have thought very carefully about the ideas they present.

We may as well speculate that the light was produced by a spacecraft?  It meets all the necessary requirements.  In their past, the Jews had followed a beam of light through the Red Sea and in their wilderness wanderings!

In this case, a UFO could provide a light shining down to guide the Magi. 
  • It had the ability to move at the right speed so that the wise men and their camels could keep up with it on their journey of approximately 750 miles. 
  • Also, it could wait for them while they needed to stop and rest. 
  • It could shine down on any one small town because it was close enough to earth to "spotlight" it. 
  • It could direct its beam to any chosen spot in that town: namely the stable in Bethlehem.

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