Friday, June 1, 2012

Introduction to The Trinity

One is Not Three

Wikipedia defines The Trinity as being three persons in one Godhead"; the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.

In the next number of posts, I will prove that the Bible does not teach the doctrine of the Trinity and that the Roman church devised that idolitrist doctrine back in the fourth century. 

Wikipedia lists eleven non-trinitarian bodies which are included in the list of Christian churches.

The Encyclopedia Britannica states, To some Christians the doctrine of the Trinity appeared inconsistent with the unity of God....They therefore denied it, and accepted Jesus Christ, not as incarnate God, but as God's highest creature by Whom all else was created...[this] view in the early Church long contended with the orthodox doctrine, namely: the Trinity. ... the nontrinitarian view eventually disappeared in the early Church and the Trinitarian view became an orthodox doctrine of modern Christianity.

The fact that the Trinitarian view was so vehemently opposed, till about the fourth century of the church's existence, is not at all surprising because there is nothing in the Bible that fosters that teaching.    It does seem strange that people who insist that we must look to the Bible for spiritual truths, still somehow endorse that false teaching, based on what they think they find in the Bible. 

The theory of a Trinity is illogical.  

For example: just because my daughter has traits which I also have and a similar personality does not mean that she is me, nor does it mean that she is equal to me.  Yet that is similar to the claim that Trinitarians make about Christ who is the Son of God.  Of course, it is admitted that any doctrine about Jehovah cannot be discarded just because it is illogical.  He is simply beyond our logical capacity.

Still, why force a doctrine that is so totally against the Bible and against human reasoning?

Christian Trinitarian beliefs are similar to Hinduism. 

Trinitarians say that God is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

The names of India’s gods are Vishnu, (the Supreme being), Brahma, (the creator) who is born to Vishnu, and Kalkin (who is yet to appear). 

Most Christians reject the view that God the Father is supreme over Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit.  Some modern Bible commentaries have no qualm over calling Jesus, Jehovah.

Starting with my next post, I plan to do a series of posts, showing from the Bible, that Christ Himself taught that His Father was superior to Him and that the writers of the New Testament agreed with Christ's viewpoint!

In the course of time, we will also look at some of the disagreements about the doctrine of the Trinity in the early church.

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