Friday, June 29, 2012

Jehovah is able to keep us

I Know My Sheep

With this post a new theme is being introduced; is it possible for a Christian to quit being a Christian?
  1. This doctrine is called eternal security and it means Jehovah is able to keep us.  Eternal security says only that Jehovah is able to keep members of "His flock" secure.
  2. This must not be confused with unconditional eternal security which means Jehovah will keep us as Christians even if they knowingly and deliberately turn against Him.  Unconditional eternal security insists that once a person has become a Christian there is nothing he/she can do to lose his born again state.  
In the next few posts, I will show that the Bible does not teach unconditional eternal security.

As a foundation, it must be agreed that Jehovah is able to keep His children safe.  To imply anything less would demean Jehovah. 

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. John 10:27-29.

Mr Thiessen, a Mennonite theologian, uses this verse to prove unconditional eternal security. 

He does this by quoting Mr Strombeck, God makes two kinds of promises to His children: conditional and unconditional. But He always makes it clear whether or not they are conditional or unconditional. When conditional, He uses the word "if" or its equivalent; but when His statement is unconditional, He leaves out the "if". This is, therefore,  an unconditional statement.  He is saying that once a person is born again he can never lose his salvation.

If we were to accept that quotation as a statement of fact, we would still be required to ask: what about the other promises in the Bible, which are based on the word, if or it's equivalent.  

By his own argument, those other promises, which Mr Thiessen, seemingly, purposefully ignores, would prove him wrong!  We will look at some of them later.

Furthermore, Mr Thiessen and Mr Wuest, who both believe, in unconditional eternal security, say that the verbs used in these verses are in the present tense (continuing action).  Wuest translates it like this, The sheep which are mine are in the habit of listening to my voice.  

Their point is that those people who are born again continually keep on following Christ, and if people do not continually follow Christ they never were born again. 

However, their logic turns against them.  The very fact that Christ says my sheep means that they are born again.  In these verses, Christ’s promise of being kept is based on the present tense act of following Him.  Wuest thereby disproves the validity of his own argument of unconditional eternal security.  

The promise of being kept is to those “sheep” who continually keep on following, even by Theissen’s and Wuest’s own arguments even though they don't admit it. 

A Sheep Can Go Astray

Therefore, if one does not follow anymore, one has fallen away, proving that falling away is possible.

Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Rom. 8:12-13 

Paul, again, points out that he is writing to his brothers in Christ but he reminds them that if they will live (keep on living) so as to show they have turned their back on Christ, according to the flesh (a sinful lifestyle) they will die.  

By this, he means a spiritual death because it is a given that everyone, born again or not, will die a physical death, and Paul would not have bothered writing these words if he would have been writing about physical death.  If these people, he calls brethren, are in a position where they could lose their salvation then, Paul says, it is possible to lose one's salvation.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if (since) children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Romans 8:16-17 

The word if should be read as since.  However, either way, this is a conditional promise.  According to Wuest’s translation, we are God’s children…provided that we are suffering with Him in order that we also may be glorified together.  

Paul says that the people he is writing to are Christians, yet, he says, they must take this threat of eternal death seriously.  He says to Christians, that if you are willing to suffer for the sake of Christ, you will be glorified.   Or. in other words, eternal security is conditional!

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. Romans 8:29-30

Mr Thiessen uses these verses to prove the doctrine of unconditional eternal security but Mr Smith refutes his argument by pointing out that in the context of Romans 8, the subject of apostasy is not in view.  This text is not addressing the unconditional security of the believer but the certainty of our glorification with Christ, despite how difficult our present circumstances might be.

Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. Romans 11:22-23.

One cannot be cut off from that of which one is not a member, and Paul writes that whether or not one is cut off is based on "provided you continue".  Very distinctly Paul writes, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.  Eternal security is conditional!

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39. 

These verses are over-used as proof of unconditional eternal security.  However, it is to be noted, that in the list of things that cannot separate us from the love of God, Paul does not mention a Christian's own will or desire.  

Throughout the teachings of the church, it is emphasised that God will not force a person to do anything against his will.  Why is it then, that only in this area, there is such a notable exception to the overwhelming doctrine of free will?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Rise of the Belief in the Trinity

Old History

One last post to prove, from the Bible, that the theory of the Trinity is not founded on Scripture, but on what theologians want us to believe. 

Is it possible that they do not want to change their doctrine now because, if they do, they would need to admit that they have been wrong for the last 1700 years?

In chronological order, Mark wrote the first of the Gospels.  Nowhere in his gospel does he claim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  Later Gospels incorporated that thought into their writings.  Furthermore, it is noted that in his Gospel, Mark writes nothing about Christ’s resurrection.  In his mind, was Mark just writing the history of a man?  He certainly does not seem to have been writing about "a God" who is equal with the Father!

The Church, as a group, did not accept that Christ was God until about 300 years after Christ’s death.  At a council meeting in 325 AD, the Church leaders made it official that the church believed that Christ also was God.  It was in 381 AD that the church finally, officially stated that God consisted of three persons.

Perhaps it is no wonder that the theory was accepted as quickly and as widely as it was because Athanasius, a leader in the church at that time, would try to destroy those people who did not agree with his heretical, theological trinitarian views.

About Athanasius, Wikipedia writes, there were allegations of defiling an altar, selling Church grain that had been meant to feed the poor for his own personal gain, and for suppressing dissent through violence and murder. He also was accused of threatening to interfere with the supply of grains from Egypt. 

If this accusation is true, his reason for doing that probably would have been to starve those Christians in Europe who did not yet agree with his theology concerning the Trinity. 

By the year 381 AD, the African Christian church had already imported so many doctrines from the African pagan culture that it was an insignificant thing for them to add another teaching to their already “non-Christian” set of beliefs.  Therefore, accepting the doctrine of the Trinity would have seemed like a small step.

Even under the threat of persecution or death, there were some who followed Arius who insisted that God is not a trinity.  He taught that Christ is the Son of God, but not God himself.  Based on the teaching of the New Testament it is obvious that Arius and his followers were on the right path and the church took a wrong turn way back in the fourth century. 

Sir Isaac Newton expressed that same thought in these words, Christianity went astray in the 4th century AD, when the Council of Nicaea propounded erroneous doctrines of the nature of Christ.

About Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, at the end of the fourth century, we find this interesting bit of history.

Before the meeting of the council, he had intervened on behalf of Arius, and had remonstrated with Alexander ... for deposing him (Arius). By the more vehement enemies of Arianism he (Eusebius) was regarded with great distrust. When the creed of Caesarea had been modified ... (to include the words stating that the Son was) “of the substance of the Father,” “begotten not made” ... Eusebius hesitated whether he should subscribe it. He did not like the new terms; ... But after a day’s consideration he signed with the rest, and in a letter to the people of Caesarea he explained that, “though he would resist to the last any vital change in the traditional creed of his Church, he had nevertheless subscribed to these alterations, when assured of their innocence, to avoid appearing contentious.

So the creed which changed Christ from being the “Son of God” to being equal with God, happened, in part, because one leader in the church did not have the backbone to stand up for what he believed to be right!

Newer History

1 John 5:7, as it is in the KJV, is almost sure proof of the validity of the doctrine of the Trinity; For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.  

The newer, more accurate, translations have taken all the vitality for that argument out of that verse.  The new translations are much condensed and they say nothing about the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.  In the more accurate translations the total verse reads like this:

1. The Living Bible - So we have these three witnesses.

2. The New Living Translation - So we have these three witnesses.

3. The New Revised Standard Version - There are three that testify.

4. The Jerusalem Bible - So that there are three witnesses.

Then, in verse 8, John tells us what the three witnesses are, and they are NOT the Father, the Son and the Spirit; They are the Spirit, the water, and the blood.

About 1 John 5:7 the Wycliffe Commentary writes, The text of this verse should read, ‘Because there are three that bear record’. The remainder of this verse is spurious. Not a single manuscript contains the Trinitarian addition before the fourteenth century, and the verse is never quoted in the controversies over the Trinity in the first 450 years of the church era.

About verse 7 Jerome Smith writes, “...if it was admitted as the Word of God, all the ingenuity and diligence of opponents could scarcely avoid the inference (that there is a Trinity) naturally deducible from it. Contemporary scholarship, however, fails to support this reading in any form, suggesting it was added to a late Greek manuscript made for the purpose to influence Erasmus to include it in his Greek text, for Erasmus had promised he would include the text if even one Greek manuscript could be found which contained it. It seems as if such a Greek text did not exist to prove the doctrine of the Trinity, so someone put those words into a Greek manuscript. Erasmus, not willing to break his promise, had to include the following words into his translation, in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.

It has also been alleged that at the time Jerome was translating the Greek Bible into the Latin Douay version, the debate over the Trinity was in full swing, so Jerome thought he would bring the debate to an end, once and for all, by adding to the Bible the words, in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.  

It is interesting to note that the Douay-Rheims translation does include the words And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one, but in the commentary of this section, they completely neglect to say anything about this verse.   It seems as if they knew that those (implanted) words did not belong in the Bible.

Before Jerome’s translation verse 7 simply said, So there are three that testify. He added words to the Holy Scriptures just to foster his (the church’s) theology. 

Yet, some Protestants still insist that the Bible is inerrant and that these verses prove the doctrine of the Trinity.  The founder of the Jesuit community was dead right in stating the Roman Catholic position on doctrinal issues, when he wrote, if [the church] shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.  

It seems that the Protestants have taken the same view about the doctrine of the Trinity.  Even though the Bible does not teach the doctrine of the Trinity, we are told that it is what we need to believe, and we feel like heretics if we do dare change our stance.  

When the Reformers left the Roman Church, they should have left the doctrine of the Trinity, with other erroneous doctrines that they did leave, on the Roman garbage heap!

There are many other portions of Scripture that could be quoted to verify my position, but I feel as if I have spent enough of your time on this topic. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

One Equals Three!

 Stick to The Truth

1. Great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifested in the flesh. 1 Tim. 3:16.

This is among the Trinitarians favourite verses to prove the doctrine of the Trinity.  However, before we, who hold the opposing argument, admit defeat, we must point out that in the Greek translation it does not say, God was manifested in the flesh, it says, great is the mystery of the piety who was manifested in the flesh.  For the word mystery, it is more accurate to use the word, unveiling or revelation

When we stop to look at Christ’s life we agree that it is a great revelation that a person living in human flesh could live a life of such piety.  In the Greek text, this verse does not say that Christ was God; it says that Christ lived a life of piety and the revealing of that piety was great.

2. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 Tim. 1:17.  Here is a good example of how easily, and how grossly wrong, theology can turn if the writer insists on inserting his own theology into a verse of scripture. 

The late Dr McGee wrote, Paul simply couldn’t go any further without sounding out this tremendous doxology. Who is “the King eternal”? He is the Lord Jesus Christ. And who is the Lord Jesus? He is “the only wise God.” Don’t tell me that Paul did not teach that the Lord Jesus was God. Paul considered Him to be God manifest in the flesh, and here he gives this wonderful testimony to that.

If Mr McGee had not been so insistent on seeing evidence of the Trinity, even where it is not to be found, he would have seen the obvious. 

This verse of scripture does not even mention Jesus Christ.  It is a phrase of praise to God the Father.  Anyone reading McGee’s opinion, without thinking too much about it, will accept it as proof of the doctrine of the Trinity.  This kind of brainwashing is what has happened throughout the ages of the church and now people accept, as fact, a doctrine which the Bible does not even hint at.

Here is how a teaching like the Trinity can get started and how it grows.  Suppositions handed down from one age to another acquire additional weight from the authorities by which they are supported, till at last they are received, even by men of genius, as fundamental truths. Lavoisier.

Matthew Henry, about 350 years ago, in his Bible commentary, clarifying this verse, 1 Tim. 1:17, says nothing about the Trinity.  He attributes all praise to God, the Father, where it belongs.  He makes no reference to Christ at all!  Looking at the difference in emphases that these two teachers place on the Trinity, indicates that the doctrine of the Trinity has grown stronger even within the last three and a half centuries.

It should be emphasized that the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) is, in its entirety, highly Hebraic. In spite of the fact that portions of the New Testament was communicated in Greek, the background is thoroughly Hebrew. The writers are Hebrew, the culture is Hebrew, the religion is Hebrew, the traditions are Hebrew, and the concepts are Hebrew.  Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus. David Bivin and Roy Blizzard

It is impossible to believe that Hebrew men, with a background in the Hebrew religion, would unanimously have put forward a doctrine such as the Trinity!  It is impossible to imagine Saint Paul, a Pharisee, preaching that God was actually three persons.  Preposterous!

The Returning King

3. Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13.  Noting the Greek translation again, we see that this verse does not say that our great God will be appearing.  It writes, expecting the blessed hope and appearance of the glory of the great God and Saviour of us Christ Jesus. 

It says that the glory of our great God will be appearing; and who is the glory of God except for Jesus Christ, the spotless Lamb of God?  It is Christ that will be appearing to take His bride home.

4. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:3.  Here, Paul again makes a distinction between the Father and the Son.  Our peace comes from Jehovah and from His Son, and the two are not the same, or Paul would not have mentioned them separately!

5. But to the Son He says: Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. Heb. 1:8.  Here it sounds as if Jehovah Himself is saying that Jesus, His Son, is God. 

The New World Translation has an interesting variation of this verse.  It writes, But with reference to the Son: God is your throne.  In this translation, that verse does not say that Christ is God but rather that God is Christ’s throne.  Many people would reject that meaning because it is from the Bible of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

However, Westcott and Moffet are accepted, by Evangelical Christians, as trustworthy Bible translators; this is what they say about this verse, it should read, God is thy throne for-ever and ever.  In the Greek text it reads like this, But with regard to the Son: the throne of Thee, God is.

6. To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: Jude 1:1.  The division between the two is clear.  
  • We are sanctified by the Father 
  • we are not preserved by Christ
  • but we are preserved in Christ by the Father. 
The doctrine of the Trinity must be rejected by all honest Bible students!

7. Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ. Rev. 1:4-5.  

The separation of the Father and the Son in these two verses again indicates that Christ is not equal to the Father or even part of the Godhead!

8. To Him (Jesus) who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and made us kings and priests to His God and Father. Rev. 1:5-6.  The point hardly needs to be made; God is also the God of Jesus, how then is it possible to claim equality between Christ and God?

9. Christ says I have not found your works perfect before your God. Rev. 3:2.  Christ did not claim divinity here (or anywhere else); He rightly attributed divinity to God, His Father.

Here we end this segment of our study of the (so-called) Trinity.  It is time that church members think again about this very important doctrine.  

In my next post, I will write a little bit about the rise of the theory of the Trinity in the early church.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Peter's and Paul's Opinion of The Trinity

Jehovah Recommended Christ

In the last post, we looked at a few verses from the Gospels that clearly showed us the insanity of accepting the theory of the Trinity. 

Now we will move forward and look at some verses from The book of Acts and a few of Paul's writings. 

By the way, The Book of Acts is the oldest recorded history of the church.

Jesus … was a man commanded to you by God by the miracles…that God worked through him. Acts 2:22.  In this verse, the first thing we notice is that Jesus was a man.  Here some would say, of course, He was a man and also (a) God. 

The question then is, if Jesus is God, why did He not work his own miracles?  The Bible says that God worked the miracles through Christ.  

Christ did not work His own miracles because He was not God! 

This man, you killed him but God raised Him. Acts 2:23.  Christ needed God’s help to raise Him from the dead; that being true, we see that Christ is not the omnipotent Son that the church says He is, He needed God's help. 

It might be mentioned here, as a sideline, for those who do not believe that the dead can be raised.  Since Jehovah is the originator of human life (He designed human life), would He not also have a backup plan to undo death, whenever He wanted to, in the event that it might happen?  It just seems so obvious that He would have "written" that possibility into the program.

Jehovah Anointed Christ

To quote Peter again, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38.

1. If Jehovah anointed Jesus, Jesus cannot be in the position of being equal with the Heavenly Father. 

2. Since Jehovah anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit, it surely must be agreed that there was a time when Jesus was not anointed with the Holy Spirit and therefore He is not a person of the Trinity.

3. A person can be by himself but he cannot be with himself, and yet these words tell us that God was with Christ; therefore the statement stands uncontested that Christ is not God.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn (highest in rank) among many brethren. Rom. 8:29.  Jehovah knew beforehand and He predestined us to become like His Son so that Christ could be ranked the highest among his brothers. 

Christ is ranked the first with us, He is the head of our type of being, but He is not ranked in the same category as his Father.  Therefore, obviously, He is not equal to His Father as the Church leaders have been telling us that He is.  

But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, ... and the head of Christ is God. 1 Cor. 11:3.  If Jehovah is the head of Christ how can anyone, that knows the Bible, believe that Christ and Jehovah are equal?  The doctrine of the Trinity is that absurd!

Paul continues, Now when all things are made subject to Him (Jehovah), then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him (Jehovah) who put all things under Him (Christ), that God may be all in all. 1 Cor. 15:28.  Surely the idea of equality of the Father and the Son are forever dismissed in this one verse alone.

Paul insists on a difference between the Father and the Son. He said we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Rom. 8:17.  Jehovah does not inherit anything, because all things are His, but we are joint inheritors with Christ, therefore this verse tells us that Christ is not God. 

Paul continues, That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom. Eph. 1:17.  Jehovah is also the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so we see that Christ is not equal with the Father.

Jehovah Exalted Christ

Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant (slave), and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name. Phil. 2:6-9.  

In the Greek text, the word used for Christ’s life is subsisting. The word subsisting in no way implies equality with the Father.  In fact, it is a negative word that implies poverty, just getting by.  Is this a picture of our God?

1. Notice, also, that being in the form of God means having a likeness to the nature of God. Certainly, the Son of God would have the nature of His Father.  This, however, does not necessitate equality between the two.

2. Again, notice, The Contemporary English Bible has translated verse six like this, Christ was truly God. But he did not try to remain equal with God.  Then, as a footnote, they wrote that the word, remain could also be translated become.  

If this translation is possible there is no strength in the argument for a Trinity in this verse.  If we accept the word become, this verse would read like this, He did not try to become equal with God.  From that translation, we must understand that Christ never was, nor is, equal with Jehovah!

For these same words the NIV has written, (Christ) did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.  This certainly does not say that Christ was God, it does say that Christ did not grasp for the position of equality with God.  As we recall, that was a sin that Satan was guilty of.
3. If Jehovah gave His Son a name which is above every other name, that tells us simply that there was a time when Christ did not have that name of superiority, and so there is no claim for the Trinity.

This post has become quite long, but that is because there is so much in the New Testament that tells us that Christ is not equal to the Father, it is hard to stop finding proofs.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Christ's Opinion of The Trinity

Gone Astray

Of all the doctrines, which I believe theologians have wrong, this one bothers me the most. It is so blatantly un-Biblical, and yet preachers can spend whole sermons defending it by using Bible verses that do not even come close to touching on the subject.

To say that God died on the cross is just as absurd as saying that Mary is the Mother of God.  Neither of these two statements can be true.  If Mary was the mother of God than God would not have existed before Mary gave birth to Him. 

Similarly, if God died on the cross, according to the teaching of the bulk of Christianity, the universe would have smashed into nothingness because God (according to the Church’s teachings) would not have been alive to maintain the universe, which He is credited with upholding. 

Admittedly, Saint Paul wrote before the doctrine of the Trinity ever became an issue, but he wrote, They understand neither the arguments they are using nor the opinions they are upholding.1 Tim. 1:7.  Here Paul makes it sound as if he is talking about those who teach the doctrine of the Trinity without any Biblical validation.

Mr Thiessen writes, it is sufficient to say that the Scriptures … prove His (Christ’s) equality with the Father.  However, he totally mitigates his statement referring to equality between Father and Son by writing, The Father’s communion of life to Him (Christ) is an eternal process.  Surely, he should have seen the weakness in his argument; if one consistently imparts life to the other than they cannot be equal.

There are a lot of Bible verses that substantiate the claim that the Bible argues against the doctrine of the Trinity

Here are a few of them:

1. Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, God. Mat. 19:17.  Christ, here, denies His divinity; He says there is no one that is good except Jehovah, and Christ also says that He is not included in the one that “is good”.

2. Jesus said, you will indeed drink My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but it is for those for whom it was prepared by My Father. Mat. 21:23.  Christ is insisting on His Father's superiority over Him.

3. Christ told us that the Father knows something that he, the Son, did not know; But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. Mat. 24:36. With a statement like this, in our minds, how can we possibly accept the claim of equality for the two?

4. Christ said I appoint unto you a kingdom as my Father has appointed unto me. Luke 22:29.  If the two were equal there would not be a greater one to appoint a kingdom to the lesser one?  In Christ’s statement, where does one find even a hint of equality?

5. Christ said, I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I. John 14:28.  If there was no other statement in the Bible about Christ being equal to the Father, that one verse alone should forever settle the argument against the doctrine of the Trinity, or that the Father and the Son are equal!

6. If Christ, while He lived on earth, knew everything, and if he is equal with Jehovah, how is it that in the Garden of the Olive Press (Gethsemane) he prayed if it is possible let this cup pass me by. Mat. 26:39 TJB.

Christ did not know whether or not it was possible, but if it were at all possible, he prayed, that He would not need to die on the cross.  In this verse, again, it seems so obvious that the Father and the Son are not equal; but the doctrine of the Trinity demands that the two are equal.

So far we have barely skimmed the surface of the Gospels.  Then we come to The Acts of the Apostles, Paul's letters, Hebrews, etc. 

The weight against the doctrine of the Trinity is very overwhelming in the Bible, and yet, preachers and priests tell us that the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Introduction to The Trinity

One is Not Three

Wikipedia defines The Trinity as being three persons in one Godhead"; the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, The Trinity is considered to be a mystery of Christian faith.

In the next number of posts, I will prove that the Bible does not teach the doctrine of the Trinity and that the Roman church devised that idolitrist doctrine back in the fourth century. 

Wikipedia lists eleven non-trinitarian bodies which are included in the list of Christian churches.

The Encyclopedia Britannica states, To some Christians the doctrine of the Trinity appeared inconsistent with the unity of God....They therefore denied it, and accepted Jesus Christ, not as incarnate God, but as God's highest creature by Whom all else was created...[this] view in the early Church long contended with the orthodox doctrine, namely: the Trinity. ... the nontrinitarian view eventually disappeared in the early Church and the Trinitarian view became an orthodox doctrine of modern Christianity.

The fact that the Trinitarian view was so vehemently opposed, till about the fourth century of the church's existence, is not at all surprising because there is nothing in the Bible that fosters that teaching.    It does seem strange that people who insist that we must look to the Bible for spiritual truths, still somehow endorse that false teaching, based on what they think they find in the Bible. 

The theory of a Trinity is illogical.  

For example: just because my daughter has traits which I also have and a similar personality does not mean that she is me, nor does it mean that she is equal to me.  Yet that is similar to the claim that Trinitarians make about Christ who is the Son of God.  Of course, it is admitted that any doctrine about Jehovah cannot be discarded just because it is illogical.  He is simply beyond our logical capacity.

Still, why force a doctrine that is so totally against the Bible and against human reasoning?

Christian Trinitarian beliefs are similar to Hinduism. 

Trinitarians say that God is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

The names of India’s gods are Vishnu, (the Supreme being), Brahma, (the creator) who is born to Vishnu, and Kalkin (who is yet to appear). 

Most Christians reject the view that God the Father is supreme over Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit.  Some modern Bible commentaries have no qualm over calling Jesus, Jehovah.

Starting with my next post, I plan to do a series of posts, showing from the Bible, that Christ Himself taught that His Father was superior to Him and that the writers of the New Testament agreed with Christ's viewpoint!

In the course of time, we will also look at some of the disagreements about the doctrine of the Trinity in the early church.